9 February Sun 14:45

The brilliant victory over «PARMA PARIMATCH»

«Nizhny Novgorod» held the final quarter 25:8 and took the most important home victory over «PARMA» from Perm.

From the first seconds of the match «Nizhny Novgorod» literally opened the defense of «PARMA» in the perimeter. The guards, especially Ivan Strebkov, easily penetrated the pass into the three-second zone and did not even try to throw over the arc, preferring to search for partners with programs inside – 15:5. The feathers did not come out of the game catastrophically, however, under the curtain of the section Adas Juškevičius surpassed Mikhail Kulagin and ran away in a fast break. «Nizhny Novgorod» closed the ring, so the quarter ended with the comfortable advantage of the home team – 21:14.

«PARMA» took just five minutes of the second quarter to get back in the game. Eigirdas Zukauskas was released from the guards on the arc and was precise from the distance, so Nikolai Zhmako literally crushed in the pass of «NN» guards, and finished the section of another three for Zukauskas – 28:27. In the actions of the home team appeared kind a moonshine: on their half there was no way they could take a rebound, on the alien – missed from under the ring in 100% situations. In the game, the three-point Strebkov and Kulagin were helped to hold, but the feathers also found their snipers. Right before going to the locker room in the ring of «NN» a bazzer from Juškevičius arrived, making a score of 37:35.

Second half

Returning to the parquet, the feathers decided to take the initiative, but their impulse was extinguished by Ilya Platonov, who scored five consecutive points in two attacks – 48:41. However «PARMA» did not retreat, and by the end of the third quarter far from Alexander Platunov for the first time led the guests forward – 54:56. They could not regain the advantage over the final segment of Nizhny and the decisive ten minute opened with +3 for «PARMA».

The team from Perm finally decided to take advantage of the height and mass under the ring. Artem Parakhouski injected a greasy dank and added from the penalty line – 56:60. But exactly the same line of answer Sergey Toropov and equalised the score – 60:60, while at «NN» continued to lead Ivan Strebkov, who before the end of the match had time to play for the personal record of the season. Three from Ilya Platonov made a serious bid to win three minutes before the final bell – 69:62. «NN» meanwhile reached 13:2, and assistant Kazis Maksvitis, who missed the game due to illness, Gintaras Kadziulis called a time-out, but he did not help. Three plus one in the performance of Platonov determined the final winner.

«Nizhny Novgorod» – «PARMA» – 79:65

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