

You can get an individual discount
10% for 2020-21 season tickets’ owners and SarovBusinessBank co-branded cards owners

20% for family plan. It works on the family members starting from three people. Please, don’t forget to bring your passports.

30% for all the students of full-time education. Please show your student card or any other document confirming that you are eligible for a discount. The discounts are applicable for sectors number 2,4,8,10,1,5,7,13,14 and balconies.

50% for the children and pupils from 7 to 17 years. Please, bring documents proving your age. This discount works on sectors number 2,4,8,10 and balconies.

The children under 7 years old can attend the matches for free, if they do not take up a separate place.

You can also get discounts for groups of fans.

Group from 10 to 20 people – 10% discount

Group from 21 to 50 people – 20% discount

All the discounts do not add up!

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