You should strictly observe the self-isolation regime and limit all the contacts maximally.
If you nevertheless decide to leave the city, you must adhere to the following rules:
1. On the way:
2. Upon vacation:
• do not expand your social circle, spend the holidays with those with whom you have already contacted ;
• avoid contact with neighbors in the summer cottage and companies on vacation outside, keep social distance (1.5 m);
• if you belong to the group of elderly citizens (over 60 years old) and people with chronic diseases, it is better to stay at home; {{1 }}
• stick to hygiene measures: wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least for 30 seconds;
• when outdoors, do not forget that the season of tick activity has begun: do not walk on unmown grass, wear closed clothes and high-toed shoes, use insect repellents, self-and inter-check regularly.
3. Safe food:
• before cooking and eating, wash your hands under running or bottled water, or treat your hands with a skin antiseptic;
• It is recommended to wash vegetables and fruits with running water;
• keep your food fresh
• do not drink alcohol, it reduces the body’s ability to resist infectious diseases, including COVID-19.